Tour Caddy

As a Professional Tour Caddy, I have learnt to respect each individual’s reasoning for competing in the game, as well as their strengths and limitations. Every player has a goal they desire to reach, and it is my responsibility to help them reach their goal. Whether the player leans toward a visual, auditory or kinesthetic style, I will communicate in a way that makes sense.


As a Caddy, I must constantly review my own knowledge and understanding of the game, its rules, the golf swing, recognise and adopt new methods. Continually keep informed of the advancements in all aspects of tuition, rules, etiquette and customer service. I must experiment with new ideas without affecting the general concept of basic caddy service

The Key principles of my Caddy style:

  • Practice the basic ‘caddie’ principles efficiently and establish
    effective techniques to suit the individual needs of each player
  • To provide an outstanding caddy service and emphasize a well-organised, attractive and professional service to players throughout a tournament and/or season long partnership
  • Record players’ statistics and maintain their playing history as a vital factor in furthering improvement